
I am currently Editor-in-Chief of Plant Sociology journal. Plant Sociology is an international open-access, peer-reviewed journal edited by the “Società Italiana di Scienza della Vegetazione” “Italian Society for Vegetation Science” (SISV). 

Guest Editor

Topical Collection in Plant Sociology: Species and community variability in vegetation dynamics and plant biodiversity conservation.

Guest Editors: Bonari G., Del Vecchio S., Fernández-González F., Xystrakis F.


Editorial board member of Applied Vegetation Science




Editorial board member of Biodiversity and Conservation



Reviewer for the following journals – see also my review profile

* Acta Oecologica

* Applied Vegetation Science

* Biodiversity & Conservation

* Diversity and Distributions

* Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

* Ecological Indicators

* Flora

* Global Ecology and Conservation

* Hacquetia

* International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation

*Italian Botanist

* Journal of Forestry Research

* Journal of Nature Conservation

* Journal of Vegetation Science


* Phytocoenologia

*Plant Sociology

* Rendiconti Lincei

* Scientific Reports

* Vegetation Classification and Survey


Scientific/Organizing Committee

Local organizing committee member of the 31st European Vegetation Survey 2023

Cultural Landscapes Summer School Maremma 2022 University of Hildesheim and Free University of Bozen-Bolzano 3-10 September 2022

Scientific Committee member: CYBO 2022-2023 Italian Conference for Young Botanists – Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Local organizing committee of the 34th Plant Population Biology Conference (POPBIO) “All Facets of Diversity” 19.-21.05.2022 – Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Scientific/Organizing committee: Dalla fitosociologia al monitoraggio degli habitat: specie caratteristiche, specie diagnostiche, specie tipiche. Online workshop of the Italian Society for Vegetation Science, 9th October 2020